Wednesday, April 14, 2010

little luxuries = happiness

Treat yourself to something nice today: that is an order, bloggers!  And let me know what it is you indulged in...I love small indulgences.  In fact, I think we should indulge in something every single Wednesday, don't you?  For this first time, mine will be decaf coffee from a large chain that started out of Seattle...slurp.


Meaghan said...

I took a twenty minute nap, which with two small children is a HUGE luxury. And then I ate a handful of chocolate chips. But that was lunch. (PS- I'm not a crazy stalker- just a friend of Kim's).

kimberlina said...

meaghan is lovely, she's my favorite person, ever. she loves butter and ice cream and wine and has the coziest house and a hammock. <3

i think i might watch new moon tonight and force ant to watch it w/ me. guilty pleasure (maybe). the second movie made me a tidge ambivalent towards the series.

and apparently tidge isn't a word. but it should be.

madge said...

meaghan, a friend of kim's is a friend of mine! mmm, chocolate chips for lunch...

kim i use tidge all the time! but it's nowhere to be found on the google...