Monday, March 15, 2010

quickie work post

Just got to work; the heels are dragging and the eyelids are drooping, drooping.  I'm purposely ignoring the red light on my office phone indicating voicemail.  It can wait for later.  I'm happy to vegetate in my chair for the time being. 
Strangers are correctly guessing I'm having a boy.  These are the three questions I get otherwise:  when are you due?  Is this your first?  Do you know if you're having a boy or girl?   Don't me wrong:  I like friendly attention, but it would be fun to eff with people.  When are you due?  I don't know?  Is this your first?  I don't know?  Boy or girl?  Neither?
I can say with certainty that designs on baby boy clothes fit into one of these categories:
1) sports
2) transportation (any mode except public)
3) "I love my mommy" or "I love my daddy" type messages
4) and this is a distant fourth:  dinosaurs
5) BROWN stripes = huge
Animals are popular too, but I like animals so I won't make fun of them.  I like dinosaurs too but only in small doses. 

1 comment:

Kate said...

Every so very infrequent often, you can find robot attire! Jack is sleeping in robot pajamas tonight. I love.