Wednesday, February 10, 2010

working toward food

The monotonous duties of work are upon me:  scheduling adult programs again?  Really?  Didn't I just do this for March?  YES.  Boring!  Today I'm against such tasks.  I cannot concentrate on anything except my upcoming lunch and then, 5 o'clock.


Last night I worked late and came home to the yummiest homemade dinner I've ever had:  Steve's (now) infamous shepherd's pie.  I cannot wait to inhale the leftovers at lunch (thirty minutes and counting).  For dinner the night before he grilled chicken (best marinade ever: olive oil, salt, pepper) and we had it with our homegrown lettuce.  Salivating yet?  I'm a spoiled wife with child.  BTW, George is kicking all the time.  Must be all the good food.

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