Friday, February 12, 2010

fruit around the womb


It might be hard to tell exactly what that is up there.  I'll tell you:  it's me in my favorite pair of pregnancy sleepytime pants, my drop crotch hotties, courtesy of Steve's Underwear Drawer.

At least once a week I stuff a pair of socks in the crotch and ask Steve if he notices anything funny about me.  Then I might sing, "Does your dick hang low/does it wobble to and fro/can you tie it in a knot/can you tie it in a bow/can you throw it o'er your shoulder like a Continental soldier/does your dick hang low?"

It is a very amusing time.


.......... said...

dear madge, i think you are my soul mate. the thrifting, the black lab, and now, THE SONG. you're not going to believe this, but i was singing that same song last night. (friends and i were discussing peens, and i just had to bust out a tune.) of course i didn't do so while wearing my man's undies with stuffing. you're so awesome. you're "sawesome". okay. g'bye..

madge said...

Naturally soul mates! Don't you love that song?