Sunday, December 06, 2009

yeah, but you didn't

Nothing like waking up to helicopters and cheerleaders from two blocks over hovering around the marathon you're not running because you slacked off and then quit training for altogether.  But the good news is, it's 61 degrees (which is gorgeous running weather for these parts: eff!) and soon enough I'm heading out to breakfast with a friend.  I can wear a scarf for the occasion.  So there are things to enjoy about the morning!  Not just the glaring fact that I didn't finish something I started.

Also:  I rechecked out the book Perfection that I lost (and still never found):  addicting read!  Author has balls: she calls all the women her husband had affairs with, since he conveniently kept detailed records of said women. Courageous or crazy?

1 comment:

Kate said...

You could always train for another one... Or do the ING half in Atlanta in March... :)