Tuesday, December 08, 2009

deadbeat dads

Two examples.  Place: public library.

Yesterday, it was brought to the staff's attention that there were two young children (ages 2 and 4) unattended in a car in the library parking lot.  Though it wasn't summer-summer hot-hot here yesterday, it wasn't exactly cool either (82, humid, something like that).  When pressed by security where their guardian was, the children said their dad was inside the library.  Okay.  So we find him.  On a computer.  "Sir, you cannot leave your children alone like that?"  "But they're in the shade."  "But they are alone."  And so he had to quit his Facebook escapades *sigh* and go be a parent.  Responsibility.  Such a pain in the ass.

Today.  2:00 p.m.  "Ma'am, there's a man out there in the corner who just threw up and it's starting to smell read bad."  You have no idea how frequently this happens.  It's never something you wish to happen.  And for the record?  It's always men.  Maybe since I said that, tomorrow it will be a woman.  But so far, every single shit-on-the-floor/vomit incident is related to the male restroom and/or can be traced back to a man.  This particular man was, self-admittedly, fall-down drunk, even though he only had a few beers.  Just a few.  And even more awesome:  he had just picked up his two young children from the elementary school next door (on foot, so he's not a total loser, just 99.9% loser), and they were in the library doing homework.  Or being assholes, since I think there's something about apples and how far they fall from trees.  So he throws up a few more times and clings to the bookshelves just to make it out the door where he blacks out on a bench.  His children are escorted home via deputy patrol car.

What a couple of winners.

I lose a little bit of faith in humanity every day I come to work.  Right now, what I've lost could about fill a black hole.


kimberlina said...

i am so sad that you have lost so much faith. this is why i am quite happy to not work the public floor.

LittlePea said...

oh. I think I'll hug my librarians next time I go to my library....

naynayfazz said...

Wait, do you work in a library or a bar because who drinks and throws up that much that you have to blog about it? Yikes, Madge, what a bummer. And the guy who sighed when he had to get off of Facebook to watch his kids sounds like my 27 year old brother in law. He always does that when he's in charge of my nephew. He's a deadbeat himself!

madge said...

today was better...