Sunday, December 20, 2009

hidden in plain sight

Pets, rejoice:  I'm home with you for the next two weeks!  

The reality of my vacation hasn't sunk in just yet...

Also, Steve and myself are *this close* to being an uncle and auntie...his brother's wife's water just broke!  Tick, tick, tick...waiting for the next call...and then I imagine we'll zip up to the hospital.  Eeeeee!

To all, a Happy Winter Solstice tomorrow.  

And RIP Brittany Murphy.  In my heart you will always be rolling with the homies.


Naynayfazz said...

Have fun on your vacation! Congratulaions on being an aunt; it's the best thing ever. Happy Holidays to you as well. :)

kimberlina said...

ooooo.. so exciting! congrats to you and your brother's family! :)

oh, and SO enjoy your vacation away from the ref desk!