Sunday, December 13, 2009


It is December and I'm still looking to park my car in the shade when I pull into a lot.  It is hot.  Stuffy pukey humid hot.

So right now I'm taking a slight holiday-traffic breather, because there is traffic everywhere.  In the stores, out of the stores.  You want something odd like Ghirardelli squares for a holiday party?  You think you might be the only soul out to get them?  No.  Everyone in the world is out to get them too and when you finally spot them 14 grannies are crowding around them, debating whether to get Peppermint Bark or the dark chocolate assortment.

I don't like to be this Grinchy.  And I hated Grinches when I worked in retail.  Me, back then:  "You don't like holiday crowds?  Then shut up and shop the other 11 months of the year you assholes," or "PEOPLE, SHOP ONLINE" or "come later in the evening when the stores are quieter, do dinner out, make a whole thing of it." I had all the answers when I was 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23.  I should seek guidance from my younger self.  Me, to younger self:  remember when you had BANGS?

See, maybe I'm smarter now.

But that doesn't excuse my Grinchyness.  I don't even want to hear Christmas music this year.  I heard Frosty the Snowman and I covered my ears and groaned and shut it down as fast as humanly possible.  I know, I know - usually I'm embarrassed to admit I like Christmas music but this year it makes me want to hit people. However and as always, there's only one exception and this is it, so far the only glorious halo of Christmas light and love that makes me go bonkers with glee and side-kicks.  Otherwise, you can take your bells and shove 'em.

I'm headed out soon, back to the grocery store for ingredients to make cookies for an exchange I was at one point excited to do...I still am.  Right?


The Q said...

Once while I was at UT I heard the bell tower playing that song. The bell tower playing songs is common, during the holidays, they are holiday songs, but I was expecting Carol of the Bells, you know? It sort of flipped my world for a second.

kimberlina said...

i am so with you - i'm pretty grinchy myself. this heat is just unbearable!! wth?!

the only song i can handle is the snoopy/red baron song. <3