Wednesday, November 11, 2009

when locals are not locals

Unbelievable: this is post #1001.  How did that happen?

My day off was a small luxury.  Sleeping was gray and rainy for most of the day and tonight it's finally supposed to cool off...the wind is over and I'm happy about that.

We were driving around tonight in the neighborhood looking for a cheap thrill, trying to find a crazy cat lady house (45 feral cats removed) we read about in the paper (one neighbor said he could see cat feces "oozing out from under her doors" -- sensational!).  On one street, the wrong street, a middle-aged couple had their flashlights out, pointed toward the sky.  They were in the middle of the street and came running over to Steve's open window.  "There's an eagle up there!  There's an eagle up there! Oh my god, an eagle!"  Steve was politely nodding - he saw it, and then the eagle flew away.  I saw nothing.  But I felt like they were blaming us when the eagle flew away, because they said "oh my god, it was there all night and now it's just gone."  We slowly drove away and Steve said, "that eagle was an osprey."  It should be back soon.  It doesn't have any United States Postal Service photo shoots to do tomorrow.

The house with the cats looked like any other house.  I've run by that house.  I never saw oozing feces.


Lauren said...

The eagle story is my favorite.

Naynayfazz said...

No oozing feces? No fair! I wanted more action in this story, quite frankly. ;)


LittlePea said...

I love ospreys.

kimberlina said...

*LAUGH* steve's a good man.

and i mean, oozing feces sounds like there'd be a veritable RIVER of feces in the house. and that's nasty.

Spinning Girl said...

This story tickles me in all the right places.