Tuesday, November 10, 2009

not here

I'm having this problem lately where I lose the book I'm reading.  I last remember reading on my break yesterday here at my desk, but today the book is nowhere to be found.  I'm devastated!  Perfection was getting so juicy. 


So tomorrow is Veteran's Day and I get a day off right smack in the middle of the week.  Which I'm simply thrilled about!  I propose Wednesdays off for life.


And there are things here and there to organize for work but truth be told, mentally, I'm not here today.  Upstairs I'm a complete zero.  I keep looking at my calendar and daydreaming about tomorrow's day off, Thanksgiving, my holiday vacation…ahhhmmmm.  In the meantime, I'm living vicariously through Kimberlina's deliciously vivid travelogue posts on her recent trip to California. 


naynayfazz said...

I am going to get that book you are reading. I just have to get over to the book store. I am so lazy lately. Good luck finding your book. And, I loved Kimberlina's pictures as well. Her trip looked like a blast. Her Halloween pics were faboo too! Did you see those?

kimberlina said...

awww, thanks. but the pics start trickling down from there. i got all sorts of camera'd out. if that's even possible. maybe it was all the wine accumulating in my liver...

hope you find your book! also, where can i sign your petition for wednesdays off for life?