Friday, October 02, 2009

spain...on the road again

Remember this?  Specifically, the part where I cried myself to sleep for a week because my local PBS station wasn't airing Spain...On the Road Again with Gwynnie, Mario Batali, Claudia Basols, and Mark Bittman?  Oh I'm sorry, they did broadcast it. At 4 a.m. Anyway, I'm finally watching it thanks to you, Netflix.

Basque in it:

And I thought I was only going to enjoy it for the Gwyneth aspect, but it turns out? I have become a little obsessed with Mark Bittman (he is so funny) and Claudia Basols (adorably charming). I love it when they take side trips, just the two of them, and get goofy. It is so great:

As a result of watching this --
  1. I want to go to Spain
  2. I want to learn Spanish 
  3. I want to eat all the time
  4. I want to drive a Mercedes convertible, silver

1 comment:

Lauren said...

This is a fabulous, FABULOUS (I want to screech it) series. Oh, those assholes. To eat fresh oysters just plucked out of the sea, and drive around the Spanish country side in a convertible. Spain is that beautiful in real life. You should go there immediately.