Monday, August 10, 2009

Lately I've been blogging from Google Docs...I like it.

I keep thinking this is worth mentioning: the summer here in south Florida feels extremely mild this year. This is my *gulp* seventh August in this fine state, where summers are usually torturous: extremely humid, the sunshine relentless and the storms disastrous. Nothing of it so far! Will keep my fingers crossed that it remains this way.

Last night we got coffees and took them to the beach, where the moon is rising over the ocean like a big fat pumpkin. I think this only happens in the summer months, or maybe even only in August. When I first moved to Florida, my sister and I drove to Islamorada in the Keys to celebrate the finale of a long and delirious drive across the country. What I remember most about the time in Islamorada was the pink moon rising over the oceanside. If there's one certain thing about me: I'm gaga for the moon.

[fig. 1] steve & madge sitting on a beach bench, looking out at moon

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