Wednesday, July 22, 2009

gatorade nights

I am on vacation, or the end of it; in another plane of existence, I am ON A PLANE, headed toward Florida and leaving Palm Springs, CA behind in all its hot hot hot desert glory.

But I am not on that plane because I am sick - what is this illness? Food poisoning, a salt pool bacteria/virus, H1N1 (just kidding on that last one)?? I will say things took a turn for the worse after I had my first In-n-Out Burger experience, which I was so thrilled to finally eat. But that was yesterday. I can't tell you how well the In-n-Out trademark lends itself to dumb vomit jokes. In-n-OutOUTOUTOUTOUT.

Enough about my stomach. Tomorrow I hope to have the strength to board a plane back to FL. It's looking good.


1 comment:

Lauren said...

It really sucks to be sick in a place other than home. Not to mention vacation. That is terrible.