Thursday, June 18, 2009

yes, please

I think I'd like to have a giant chalkboard framed in wood for the following reasons:
  1. I'd write up menus, thus giving me inspiration to cook/bake (what??).
  2. I'd get to practice lettering on a big scale, which admittedly needs improvement.
  3. I could write important messages to Steve like "GIRL POWER /P.136"
  4. And because I just found this hand-lettered glory in the September 2008 Bon Appetit and I can't think of much else:


Verdant Earl said...

Gia is a pro at doing up a chalkboard. She even bought these chalk "markers" (I dunno) to facilitate the process. She rocks in so many ways.

kimberlina said...

ooo, do it!

you'd just need, what? hardboard + chalkboard paint + molding!

just a girl... said...

I really love your pitctures. Even better get a picture frame that you really like hang it on the wall and paint the inside of the wall with chalkboard paint. so freaking cute.