Wednesday, June 17, 2009

the little things

You would think that, since we are required at work to ask permission to breath through tightly red-taped lips, there would be a standard e-mail signature used throughout our library system. However, there is no such thing and why I notice things like this, I don't know. Why I'm blogging about it, an even bigger question mark. In the first place, I'm not a huge fan of the e-mail signature, especially the 27-line long e-mail signature, but they are necessary. I've been corresponding with a publicist in the last week to schedule one of her clients to visit our library and I've fallen hopelessly in love with her fancy e-mail signature that looks something like this:

Name | Fancy Publicist Job Title | Fancy Publishing House | Phone # | New York, NY

All the information on one line: I like it. I'm totally going to rip it off.

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