Thursday, January 05, 2012

to do, 2012

Be outside more, more, more.  This is super easy to say in January, when the weather is perfect. But we had such a fun time over last weekend at three separate parks and from the looks of it, there should be enough shade to keep us happy in August:

This next resolution has been a small "goal" for Steve and me for at least a couple of years.  We love the little city that we live in and we'd love to make a little blog about living here.  So we'll see about that.  It would incorporate his photography (and mine, dammit!), things to do and places to see; yes, places, places places, etc.  We find our city limits unique and we want to share.  


I got married almost two years ago (01.11.10), went to Social Security that same January to see about changing over my last name, was intimidated by the line and never went back.  Or, I would have gone back, except I threw away my passport, original marriage license and birth certificate by accident shortly after I left the SSA which screwed me up in a bad, bad way.  Anyway, I'd love to officially change my last name.  All of my important documents were replaced so I think I might attempt it again soon and stand in line no matter how long or smelly.

And then there is NEXT.2

We still don't have wedding bands, wtf.  That needs fixing.  Even my engagement ring is hidden away because the diamond in it is loose.  One of the creepiest library patrons ever asked me if my marriage fell apart since I no longer wear my ring.  Ewww, sad.

So here we arrive at yet another resolution of mine:

Be a better gift giver.

Seriously.  My gift giving this past Christmas was lame.  It was gift-card-kiosk-at-the-grocery-store-lame.  Lately I'm  bad about timing gifts for birthday packages and getting cards in the mail if at all.  I hate this about myself!  Especially since I was once a very with-it giver of gifts.

And then, celebrate more.  Steve and I are way too "meh" about our anniversary and birthdays.  I'm tired of our nonchalance.

Finally:  master the art of laundry.  Or the art of doing laundry diligently.

Oh, I can't stop with that.  I'd love to bake and cook more this year.  I'm kind of sad at how perfectly okay we are with eating out.  Growing up, to eat out was a special thing.  Now it seems that almost the reverse of that is true:  eating a really good home cooked meal is special.  I'd like to change that up this year.

Okay, I'm done.  Happy New Year, people!

1 comment:

kimberlina said...

i'm a big fan of doing laundry on specific days. like, mondays and tuesdays, that way i have NOTHING to do on the weekends, clean-up wise.

i have slacked off on this, naturally, as the dryer is running at 4:00 on sunday...