Saturday, April 25, 2009


How do entire weeks go by and I forget to write about them? I wish I could remember the details; here, I'll try:
  • Monday: tired!
  • Tuesday: began reading Sons and Lovers (Lawrence, 1913); I'm addicted.
  • Wednesday: began day with a run before the sun came up and witnessed a storybook nighttime sky: huge crescent moon with planet dangling not far below was superb! And chilly, which for me is the best running temperature. Had lunch out with new work friend, who I really adore. It's good to have a work friend. Also, had dinner out with former-work friend. We are not enemies now, we just haven't worked together in the same building since last fall. She was recently married and has that honeymoon glow about her. She treated me! to this new-fangled pizza craze: the coal-fired edition. I know, not exactly new-fangled, but nonetheless I see it more.
  • Thursday: made pork schnitzel but used too much olive oil. Drat!
  • Friday: was lazy, mostly. Went running in the morning, but tripped again (wtf; though caught myself this time). My head and neck took most of the shock, doh! People: I don't trip like this normally. Is this a sign I'm getting older and clumsier and losing key faculties like balance and coordination? Should I consider hiring a driver and moving into a condo? Spent the rest of my day reading and napping and smooching cats and dogs. We actually watched Body of Lies on DVD and I am only sad the torture scene, featuring LEO! wasn't longer. I effing hate that guy...such a bold statement would shock my 16 year-old self, who saw Romeo + Juliet EIGHT TIMES IN THE THEATER mostly because I had crushes on him and Claire Dane's costumes and bedroom. It is a good thing there are no time machines. Madge vs. Madge couldn't be pretty.
  • Today: not quite over...ran for 1.5 hours this morning! I don't know what mileage that equals, other than sore knees and a little bit of happiness. Took my Holga film to the developer (inspired by LePetit to finally develop that color film I took in San Francisco!); some of it should be ready fairly soon.


.......... said...

can't wait to see photog madge's holga pics! san francisco is such a beautiful city to photograph. i would know... it's my hometown :)

.......... said...

one more thing... check this blog out. he's a librarian!

kimberlina said...

!!! you ran for 1.5 hrs?! amazing and congrats! my knees ache for you. i've had to stop running, mostly because my ankles have been giving me problems. i... should probably see a podiatrist for my rolling ankle issues. eeck. however, i shall live vicariously through your incredible feats of endurance!

madge said...

thanks for the link, lpd!

kimberlina: it hurts, it hurts!