Saturday, March 07, 2009

madge: flashy & trashy

These are the facts:
  • This morning, an elderly woman ran into Steve's parked truck.
  • She backed into it, and then promptly called 911 because she thought it was Steve's fault.
  • Before the cops arrived, the elderly woman's condo buddy arrived at the scene in her PT Cruiser and assessed the situation.
  • When the police officer came, her condo buddy exclaimed to the cop that everyone in the parking lot was responsible for the mortgage crisis and that she was paying dearly for it.
  • The condo buddy came up to me and started saying how there was no damage to Steve's truck (this is sort of true; the elderly woman bore the brunt of the damage).
  • Instead of agreeing with her, I said "I'm not interested in talking with you."
  • She replied, "You don't even know me! How dare you, you little trash!"
What can we learn from the situation?
  • Drivers of PT Cruisers have the balls to call someone "trash."
  • Elderly drivers that shouldn't be driving will keep driving and they will blame you for those times when they hit the gas instead of the brakes.
  • America, God bless.


kimberlina said...

HAHAHAHAHA, sucks for steve, but man. little old ladies with balls to call you trash.

come ON.

.......... said...

Steve's truck is a magnet for bad luck! Is this the same truck that was robbed?! Boo.

Bravo for refusing to speak to the driver of the PT Cruiser... and for taking the insult from the ball-sy old lady.

Naynayfazz said...

I really think there should be laws regarding the elderly (especially women with testicles-ha!) and driving laws. If you can't tell the difference between the gas and the brake, um... DON'T DRIVE!

Lauren said...

Been there. Got pissed. All I got was this lousy dent in my car.

We should all remember that one day we will be old and still need to get places.