Thursday, August 07, 2008

should publish this tomorrow, but for now:

I just scanned my blog's latest posts and went *snore*. Something isn't gelling like Magellan.

It's not even today but tomorrow that the calendar is one big stream of eights. I remember when I was eight and it was August 8, 1988. It was hot and I was feeling lazy and watching the local 5 o'clock news with my parents. I was sprawled out on the carpet in front of the TV, drifting in and out of a nap (then, like now, the heat just zaps me), when in the last moments of the news broadcast, there was time for one more story. I remember footage of a party on a river, tire swings, people with painted faces squealing as they jumped into the current. They were celebrating 8/8/88. And my brain did this thing where, in conjunction with all my senses, it made a time capsule of the memory. I was hit with shock recently when I realized this memory is now twenty years old - twenty how can it be! But, I'm looking forward to tomorrow. 08/08/08, me at 28.

In the car, listening to Eat, Pray, Love : One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia (Gilbert, 2006).


Verdant Earl said...

Hey! I posted about 08/08/08 as well tonight...well, tomorrow. :)

kimberlina said...

08/08/08? i didn't even realize!

however, i wish you many pitches of ice cold lemonade or sweet tea (or unsweet, since you're perhaps not a true southerner at heart) to refresh you from the heat.

it's been insane, yes? very hot and dry - very!