Wednesday, August 06, 2008

make the chamillionaire in my head stop

we are making up new lyrics to ridin' dirty in the voices of all of our little pets.
it is fun. but, it is all that comes to mind when i sit down to blog.
in case you wanted to know, jane is the loudest, cole has the lowest voice, dean is our redneck babbler, and d. sergei has a russian accent that would bring you to your knees.


Verdant Earl said...

We, especially Gia, sing songs in the voice of our pets all the freaking time.

Our latest one is for Sydney who loves to be brushed. All you have to do is say the word "brush" and he comes running/meowing. It's to the song "We Want the Funk".

"Oh, we want the brushhhh.
Gotta have that brushhh!"

I know. I know.

kimberlina said...

... podcast?

.......... said...

i second the request for a podcast :)