Thursday, July 10, 2008

quick! post something.

Here are the little things that have been going on the past week:
  • Television. And lots of it. I bought the third seasons of The Closer and Weeds last week as we watch both shows exclusively on DVD. We blew through The Closer and tonight we'll conclude Weeds - with pizza.
  • IKEA. And lots of it. Well, not lots. We went last Saturday; it was Steve's virgin voyage. Rumors come and go of a local store, but until anything happens we have to make a 100 mile round-trip to Sunrise for shopping. Dude! I didn't think it would be so busy; it opened in October! But there were tons of people in the store wedged in every possible nookkencrÃ¥nny. I don't like crowds. I think if you ever lose your mom in a crowd as a child you are a hopeless case: you will never love crowds.
  • My last haircut was not a favorite of mine; my hairdresser redeemed herself Tuesday night. Love my new coif.
  • Reading. I was so banking A Mirror Garden to give me satisfaction, but it did not and I gave up about 45 pages in -- time to find something else. Easy enough; yet another memoir: I'm looking through you : Growing up haunted (Boylan, 2008).


Kate said...

What's the new hair look like? Happy you are satisfied!

kimberlina said...

i need to learn to just drop a book when i'm not into it. for real.

and congrats on popping steve's ikea cherry! was he impressed? underwhelmed?

Vonlipi said...

I hate crowds too!
So that's why I go the IKEA as little as possible!
There is nothing worst than being stuck in one of their furnished rooms with ten parents, 5 kids and 5 strollers and nobody wants to let you trough! I forgot they probably dragged the granparents too...I might get in trouble for this but PEOPLE get a babysitter for crying out loud! Ouf that felt good!