Friday, July 11, 2008

you might just see me

Kimberlina inspired me to try the super rad PictoBrowser. Here are some photos from my trip to Portland/Eugene/Coast last month...


Verdant Earl said...

That's a fantastic widget!

Great pics too!!!

FRITZ said...

Those are fantastic pictures! You have such talent.

And you're too cute! I could eat you alive! Yum!

Spinning Girl said...

love the browser, and lovely pictures! ahhh, makes me want to create something lovely. i think i'll make a wine cork-board.

kimberlina said...

your pics are beautiful!!! i love those clouds in the sky above the truck. and the beach!! that grass is so beautiful! and those textures in the lily was incredible.

.......... said...

your grandpa is rocking suspenders! loving the photos.