Tuesday, July 01, 2008

home, free

Food consumption today, if I think I might be doing nablopomo:
  • Chex cereal
  • Bagel + maple-frosted donut (shit! Well, it's Canada Day) + large coffee w/cream from Dunkin Donuts
  • Since it's the afternoon, I might pour myself a little glass of wine. Undecided at this point.
That's it. And it's so late in the day. I am eating crap, and that's all there is to that. Boy, if you air your dirty eating secrets for the entire internets to see, then it really makes you want to eat better.

We lost power today for about an hour. A small taste of what's to come if we have a wicked storm season. Shoot. When you are without power, you can do this: read by the gray cloud light coming through the window. I'm halfway into Miranda July's No one belongs here...Portland Hipsterville called, wow. I do like it if only because I can relate to loneliness in her short stories. And Portland; it makes me think of home.

Next on the reading list is a memoir. A Mirror Garden, by Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian (2007). I know nothing about her, although in my constant search of memoirs, she - an Iranian American writer and theater artist now living in Austin, TX - turned up and I was intrigued. There are 104 illustrations in the book - little sketches done by the writer. It's so charming that I might have to drink tea while I read it, out of a pretty teacup. I can tell she's going to teach me a lot of things, and I like that.

Jane is doing her infamous sleeping pose: flat on her back, little toes pointed outwards and upwards, front paws twitching every now and then. In fact, all the pets are sleeping right now. We are relaxed (oh, Jane is awake now!).


kimberlina said...

i LOVE your attitude towards nablopomo. i might start tomorrow, we shall see. ;)

please tell me you had some wine!!

Verdant Earl said...

No matter how many times I see it, Chex makes me do a double take thinking it said Sex.

I think they did that on purpose.