Wednesday, July 02, 2008

a.m. scramble

Coffee + bagel, again. It doesn't help that we have a Dunkin Donuts four blocks away from our house and we can walk there, though today we drove because then we took our breakfast yummies to the beach and waited for the sunrise. But we didn't see much because over the horizon were dark clouds, lightning, thunder. Not what you expect in the morning. Summer! Rainy season. I forgot what it could be like, seeing as we'd been in a drought for the past two years.

I forgot to mention that, last week, I accomplished something major. I paid off my credit card. I was never one to carry a balance in the first place, but when I wasn't working it sort of became necessary. In the beginning, I only charged food, gas: the necessities. Then it was used for a lot of miscellaneous things and soon, the balance became Everest high. That began in late 2006. Now, in mid-2008, it's finally got a $0 balance. It was a cause worth celebrating. We had breakfast for dinner.

COOK SOMETHING TODAY. This is mostly a reminder to myself.


kimberlina said...

madge!! holy cow, super congratulations!!! paying off a credit card is SUCH a good feeling. i'm proud of you!

Kate said...
