Thursday, July 31, 2008

all about library

What? I haven't blogged all week? Either the week was really fast (it wasn't), or I was spending time reading (I was) when I'd otherwise be blogging. I am finished with Smashed. And, as I am apt to do when I end a book, I sink my eyeballs deep into the world of goodreads and read, finally, what people thought of the book I just read. It is my own book club, exactly how I like it: I don't have to say anything. So, perhaps Jennifer Finney Boylan's She's Not There will come now or Dave Eggers' A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius (which I left on my desk at work, doh).

I think if I just scribble this here, like I always do when times at work have me questioning why I serve the public forty hours a week, it will help me enjoy my weekend.

You handed me a piece of paper to throw out and said that's my blood on it there after it was in my hands. Sure enough. You weren't kidding. I am happy to be your maid, but only under those conditions. I deal in bloody scraps of paper alone. You said, when my back was turned, she didn't understand what I meant at all, did you see that? You should have heard what you asked me, holier than thou wife beater. You said, when my back was turned, this library sucks. No, you little procrastinating piece of shit kid, YOU SUCK. You argued about minutes of your time like you are actually important. News. For. You. Middle-aged dudes plugging away on their laptops in the middle of the work week in a public library are not hotshots. They're unemployed. And you, the lady with your Ph.D. Don't correct me when I omit the Dr. from your name. Listen up here. Ph.Ds from the University of Phoenix are worth less than my high school diploma. Suck it.

Guys. I feel so much better. I promise I do not have a heart of stone. I am very, very nice to the public. I should tell you that 98% of the people I help are people I would trust to watch my dogs and cats - that's how lovely my job really is. It's all the bitches and assholes that screw me up, take the pleasure of out my day for ten minutes, and make me question this whole librarian thing.


Ellie said...

The public sucks. I have spent most of my working life dealing with the public (one of the positives about my job now is that I don't) and believe me, I'd like to have a word with anybody who'd blame you for venting about the public. All it takes is one or two horrible people per day to make you feel jaded.

Vonlipi said...

You go girl! I worked with the public for 25 years, and I've had my share of A--holes, let me tell you that! But aren't blogs wounderful? You can vent all your troubles!

.......... said...

Dude, let it all out!!! You risk imploding when you harbor too much anger and/or frustration... Beans and I would be very sad if that were to happen.

Dave Eggers' "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius" is phenomenal! Read it a year ago and looooved it. Memoir...

kimberlina said...

i know it, i know it, my dear. working with the public is so god damned hard. it's incredible how people can truly be so rude. it's why i'm not a waitress anymore. my faith in humanity is still very low.

i wonder if i ever venture to the public floor, whether or not i'll be able to not take things so personally.

also, keep venting. i loved this: "Ph.Ds from the University of Phoenix are worth less than my high school diploma. Suck it."