Saturday, July 26, 2008

saturday a.m.

  • Smashed : story of a drunken girlhood (Zailckas, 2005); it turns out this is what I'm reading now and enjoying. The author was in high school the same time I was (maybe one year behind me), so I get her on that alone. Pre-cell phones, post-Cobain (okay, he expired when I was a freshman). I read a lot yesterday; my eyes are thinking I'm up too early.
  • Steve is taking his dad to the airport, so that's why I'm up early. When he gets back, soon, we'll have a good start on the day. The sunrise hasn't even happened yet. Living at this latitude/longitude still psychs me out in the summer months.
  • ::yawn::

1 comment:

.......... said...

Librarian Madge :) I'm in need of a summer read. Got a recommendation? I usually only pick up non-fiction, but if you've got something good, I'll give it a go!