Saturday, May 24, 2008

5, no 8, how about 10 extra lbs


It's a quiet Saturday around here; I keep waiting for it to rain but it has been mostly cloudy. And it's still like 90 bazillion degrees. Go figure. It's cool inside - we're comfortable as you can see.

As I'm writing this, Steve is in South Carolina. He's just driving through - he'll get to Charlotte, North Carolina this evening and then fly home. He left this morning. Wild, no? He's helping out a seasonal acquaintance (I guess that's what we might call her?) get her wheels to her summer place.

Ahh, a summer place. I wouldn't mine one of those.

So, the post title refers to the weight I've gained in the last few weeks. Remember I was running? I injured my knees from starting out too hard and had to hang up the shoes. Finally, they feel better. Anyway, my hormones are playing evil tricks on me. My hair is thicker (and I have an awful hairdo to boot). My midsection is donut-licious. My clothes are like, "Yeah, you're going to split our seams, chunk." It is NOT A GOOD DAY TO BE THE MADGE I tell you!


kimberlina said...

oh, i hate that feeling! that hormonal crappy feeling. and i'm sorry to hear your knees aren't being nice to you. i am just now getting over my soreness from last monday's run/walk/walk/walk/walk/run/walk/walk/walk.

but, the good is that you are comfy inside. maybe have some cool sangria?

Verdant Earl said...

You sure nothing else is, um, going on there to explain the weight gain.

Maybe some kittens? ;)

Kate said...

b.e. earl said that pretty well, my dear.

oh, how I miss my thick hair.

Spinning Girl said...

You sound delicious to me!