Wednesday, May 21, 2008

postponing the inevitable

Strange scheduling at work has me all backwards.

I was summoned for jury duty in June. I love how the summons reads: congratulations! I've done this once before, in Portland...and without fail, if you're in a small room long enough, the most politically conservative person in the world will sit next to you and try to make small talk. About his rankings and ratings of best AM talk radio shows devoted to the severe right. Or the group conversation keeps going back to the that one juror who keeps a pig for a pet. So really, you have a pet pig? Oh my gosh, I can't believe you have a pig! These are the people that could decide the fate of the rest of your life. And me. But when it comes decision time? My eyeballs might be scratched out.

So naturally, I'm filled with dread.


kimberlina said...

yea...... groups of people drive me batshit sometimes.

and the woman behind me in traffic yesterday totally went insane at a guy selling obama shirts. craziness!

wear glasses. they'll protect you.

Kate said...

The lawyer in me is thrilled. Oh how I wish I could get on a jury, any jury. Plus, we lawyers need smart people like you on juries. At least those of us on the side of all that is good and wonderful do.

I must say, I would love all the small-talk, too. I think that's the lonely-unemployed-loser in me. "I see your pet pig and raise you one 8 foot iguana!"

The fidgety basketcase in me dreads it for you, too, though. Books! Magazines! A notepad for coming up with business plans and sketching your new ______ designs. For character name ideas and plot twists. For playing hangman with your new surprisingly cool friend. Actually, I think they do have a room with jigsaw puzzles and whatnot if you're headed to the courthouse I suspect.