Wednesday, April 30, 2008

coffee and bagel memoriesm ,,,,,,,

I gave myself a lot of safe time this morning - that lovely time between waking up and getting into my car for the commute. I start late anyway but I have an hour and a half to kill. This would be the perfect morning for going out to breakfast. I've learned though that at my 10:00 o'clock meeting there'll be bagels AND coffee (which is a miracle). However, neither will probably be very good. And that's when I must tell the world how much I miss my old job in Tampa. Not necessarily the job but definitely the morning camaraderie and quality of both coffee and pastry. Cuban breakfast sandwiches, maybe a danish, coffee we ground on the spot and brewed with cold spring water. It was a heavenly time. Now, there's something else I must tell the world: librarians are a cheap people. This is fine, I totally get it, we aren't paid tremendously well. I myself am thrifty, but not to the extremes of those I tend to find in my profession. This is another reason why I miss my old library job - we weren't cheap - we splurged on little luxuries practically everyday.

To depart from that - I ran three miles this morning. I feel so so good.


Lauren said...

3 miles is a long run. How can you stand?

I hate coffee. I know that makes me some sort of humanoid, but I can't help it.

Verdant Earl said...

I could go for some good coffee and a bagel right now, but is it even possible for you to get good bagels south of NYC? ;)

Meghan said...

running = foul and unnecessary (unless running from a chainsaw-wielding lunatic)

bagels, however.... i need to go buy one now.


ps. i think i'll be making a blog for my prints, seeing as they have taken over my life. in a good way.

The Q said...

I wish I had ever been much of a runner. Sometimes I get the urge to run, but it's like a false alarm, because I can't do it. I don't know what the deal was when I was a little kid, but these days I think it has something to do with being a smoker and having moderately large breasts which cannot be tamed. I'm pretty sure one will hit me in the face if I try to run.

kimberlina said...

hey! i'm going to attempt to run this weekend! is it umm.. hard to start. did you run for like, 2 mins and stop, panting, on the sidewalk? because that's what i plan on doing. then crawling home (the 15 ft i was able to traverse), drink a gallon of water, and repeat. then sleep. ;)

but seriously! how did you start?! i'm so impressed w/ your 3 miles!

(do you like how most of your comments are about that one line in your post? ha!)

Kate said...

Everything Lauren said.

And an hour and a half commute?!?! Are you driving from one end of the county to another? It used to take me 30 minutes to get from Gardens to Clematis in rush hour.