Saturday, March 01, 2008

list one

(This will be a rather lame first list, but I think you'll soon see why.)

Why I love Veuve:
  • it doesn't make me shy at parties
  • the hangover isn't that bad
  • the label is pretty
  • ok, now I have to go and look like a girl. Big Wedding Day in Steve's family.
  • wish
  • me
  • lots
  • of
  • luck
  • because generally at these occasions
  • i totally
  • suck


The Q said...

So, does that last part mean Veuve gives you courage?

Your written personality makes it seem like you could gracefully infiltrate any crowd and shoot down judgement with a single witticism. I'm sure you will have a great time at this important function.

Spinning Girl said...

Only 30 days left!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lauren said...

Best list I've read all day. Admittedly, it was the first.

Here's to thirty more days!


LittlePea said...

Had no idea what Veuve was til now. Have fun.