Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Cold weather! Cold weather!

Potential Jelly Belly flavors, as discussed today at library, or what the popcorn bean tastes like:
  • puke
  • asshole
  • hangover breath
Walking into Fresh Market for dinner after work, I caught a whiff of weed in the parking lot. So did this old guy and he said to me, "Gee, that's one of my favorite smells!"

Listening to the Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime on audio -- I started it awhile ago and now I'm back to finish. It's read by someone British which is fitting -- I love when he says maths. That must be about my most favorite British-ism. All my life, I've sucked at maths.

Oh! Boyfriend is home. Yay, yay!


Kat said...

All jelly beans taste like arse. Blech!

kimberlina said...

i was literally excited to read your new jelly belly flavors, and to my horror, what did i read but "hangover breath"??! jesus!! what a great package idea, though.

i enjoyed the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime. must add it to my goodreads list!

Verdant Earl said...

The popcorn bean is just plain mean. I like to grab a bunch of them, pretend I'm eating them and enjoying them, and then unleash them on the unknowing hordes.


Kate said...

I agree re: popcorn flavor. Kimberlina's comment reminds me of Bertie Bott's.

What do you think about The Curious Incident? I loved that book.