Thursday, February 21, 2008

you're a fine girl, you know?

My post title is a quote I scribbled down today at a workshop. A woman said it to herself, about herself. Out loud. In front of a room of relative strangers. And then she giggled this noise that floated on the air of total embarrassment.

Last night the lunar eclipse gave us quite a show! We loved watching it from the backyard.

As the month of March looms, all I am thinking about is really one thing: making lists! The list I made on Monday was proof that I suck at following through, but at least there's record that at one point I had the best of intentions.

So, maybe I'll start with a little list of tomorrow-ish things:
  • go get your coffee
    • celebrate that you're still Diet Coke-free and Diet-anything free
  • go buy a dress and shoes for the rehearsal dinner/wedding
    • little + black
  • take a walk
  • soak feet
  • laundry - yeah. again.
  • photograph some of your newest Pyrex see below
  • READ (finish?) The Big Girls


Kat said...

Don't get too addicted. My very strange cat lady sort of aunt who's allergic to EVERYTHING and drinks horse urine to cure her disease (in her head)and made a cat purr cd that she thinks will make her millions, can't function without them. Don't be her. She's weird.

Ookami Snow said...

there is no shame in self promotion... maybe she was hoping that somebody around her would agree with her and offer a new, amazingly well paying job.

Verdant Earl said...

New Pyrex!!!

Lauren said...

I have been writing a list of what lists I will write.

To myself, out loud I say, "You are a lame girl, you know."

Naynayfazz said...

I really enjoy your photos.

Spinning Girl said...

Oooh I like lists!

Also, I like giggling.