Saturday, February 23, 2008

we can't push back hamburger day

People say a lot of interesting things -- so I've decided that for a while, my post titles will be quotes from the general public. I don't know what Hamburger Day is, but I do know that to someone, or a lot of people, it's a really special day.

The last two days have had me shopping. Day-long shopping sprees that completely cut my weekend into little tiny bits for easy chewing. Maybe ten years ago, or when I was in high school grades nine through twelve, this would have been something fun. It is no longer fun. It is exhausting and expensive and ridiculous and I might even hate it.

I did take a moment this afternoon to practice more with my calligraphy + lettering, which is quite therapeutic. I wrote a couple of notes and then I was like, damn, I need some cute postage stamps. And then I discovered that in May? Postal rates are rising again! Ugh.

This coming week might suck the life right out of me. I will hopefully post daily to prove I am indeed still alive.


Verdant Earl said...

Strangely, today was Hamburger Day for us. I made my world famous chili burgers with some sour cream/wasabi mashed potatoes. Yum.

Naynayfazz said...

With all this talk of hamburgers, I am hungry now. :) One must never push back hamburger day. EVER.

Spinning Girl said...

I. Hate. Shopping.

hang in there!!! xoxo

kimberlina said...

wait. what? postage rates are rising again?

seriously. WHAT THE EFF.

i JUST bought a fuckload of new stamps. ... i'll just have to use them up super fast like.

jesus, they just effing raised them! i still have 39 cent stamps! argh.....

btw - i think the hamburger day comment must have been regarding that big BEEFY recall.

Kate said...

oooooohhhhh THIS explains skeet, skeet!