Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I think that's how Scooby Doo would say it -- a one-word summary of my day thus far at library.
How this has happened, I'm not sure, but on Monday nights I have come to love watching the New Adventures of Old Christine.  I miss sit-coms.  Julia Louis-Dreyfoos is tremendously tremendous.


Verdant Earl said...

I semi-love that show!

Especially Wanda Sykes, and I've never really found her to be that funny before.

Kate said...

No ruh-riculous story?

I have to return books tomorrow, one of which is unread. I'm such a bad borrower. And lazy reader.

kimberlina said...

my word for yesterday would be: BORING.


Naynayfazz said...

That show is great but I never have time to watch it lately. I miss sitcoms too. Most really stink.