Monday, January 14, 2008

worth noting

Lots of little things going on here and there...

A part of me wants to start yet another blog about my magazine subscriptions (yes, I really said that). The magazines are resting in peace, folks, and this is so not okay with me. First, JANE went (which I actually sort of ripped the very first month I began this blog). Then, House & Garden (which I recently blogged about, too). And most recently: Martha pulled the plug on Blueprint, one of my most favorite magazines. What's going on here?! People. Do you understand how much I love my magazines? I have magazine rituals. I read them backwards. I can rip a page out of a magazine without getting a jagged edge. I boycott Hearst magazines (which is too bad, since I always loved Harper's BAZAAR more than Vogue). I'd love to share what I love about magazines as they come in monthly. It could be one way for me to organize information for my own sanity. So, I'm thinking of day.

But that may never get accomplished because I'm addicted to practicing calligraphy. I'm entertaining the idea that, while I'm librarianshipping 40 hours a week, I could do some hand-lettering projects on the side. I can blame this on my endless search for the cozy. What is the cozy? This qualifies:


Well then. Now that two of my secret dreams have accidentally slipped out, what are yours?


Verdant Earl said...

That is cozy.

Ya know what else is cozy? Syd has taken to falling asleep on the bed in between us with his head on a pillow like he is a human. He has to be touching both of us for optimum coziness.

Kat said...

I love calligraphy! And the hubby shares your mag obsession.

And I'd love to own a bed and breakfast, lunch and dinner. An all inclusive home away from home.

kimberlina said...

printmaking, perhaps. lots of it. but what? i need to just make bad art to get myself rolling. but time? where is it?

when classes are over, you had gobs more time. right? RIGHT?!

by the by, i have a ton of nibs and old (possibly rancid) ink from my days of calligraphy. it's so much fun! very mesmerizing and hypnotic.

i need to have a mag obsession. i decided to re-subscribe to veggie times; those recipes are incredible. next? maybe print. hmm...

kimberlina said...

also, your handwriting is GORGEOUS. heart!

Kate said...

I, too, love your handwriting. When we were moving, J found a card from you and commented on how wonderful your handwriting is.

Spinning Girl said...

Oooh, I like the calligraphy idea!
The magazine blog, well, we all have our obsessions ... (see TBDOA!). And I have told you that your handwriting could be a font! Just the other day I heard someone in the ladies room saying she couldn't find a calligrapher and needed one, and that they are hard to find. You'd need an ad in the yellow pages.

Lauren said...

I love the picture of you and Jane. That is so sweet.

My secret dreams:
To run far, far away. I asked Kyle the other day if we could join the peace corp and go to Papua New Guinea. He wasn't up for it.

One day I will be time rich, and that day will be truly beautiful.

Naynayfazz said...

My kitty is sitting next to me while I type this in the same position as Jane and she looks like her. too funny.