Tuesday, January 08, 2008

resolution update

  • At least one of my resolutions is underway: the House of Mirth listening session (an aside to Lily Bart: you are so calculated). I haven't done too badly with saving money, either. Not that I'm saving, just not spending much other than the essentials. Coffee is essential, right? It is with head hung low that I report I had a Diet Coke relapse in July. After three months clean. Anyway, I've been clean since January 1st, so I'm proud of that too. I've been drinking a lot of hot tea -- probably due to the weather here (consistently chilly) and my craving for all things mint (mint gum, dark chocolate and mint Ghirardelli squares, mint tea). In addition to all this, I've been blogging. I guess I shouldn't have started this off by saying "at least."


Kate said...

Yay Madgeroo!

Though I can't condone the Diet Coke thing. Diet Coke is Life.

Verdant Earl said...

Chilly there? What, has it creeped into the upper 60's?

Sheesh, Floridians! ;)

Lauren said...

Green Tea and Mint is my favorite. I have a serious addiction.

Julie said...


The Q said...

I am listening to House of Mirth and enjoying it more than I expected. How fun that we picked the same book at approximately the same time!