Wednesday, January 09, 2008

snoring isn't boring

I know. Cole looks really, really sad. The truth? He's TIRED. When I leave for work? He gives me this face -- and this is not a, gee, I'm going to miss you face; rather it's YOU are keeping me awake. LEAVE. face.


I love this guy.

*No more down comforter. This is the new look - the quilt coverlet that can be washed without causing both machine and human to gag. It wasn't made in America. Shit.


kimberlina said...

it's ok. my 10 yr old niece in china made it for you with love!

kidding. :)

but seriously - do you make your bed like that every morning? seriously? you know, i've read studies that it's healthier (healthier) to not make your bed. it lets the mattress breathe so it doesn't stay a moist breeding ground for unhealthy spores.

messy is the new healthy.

Verdant Earl said...

Yeah on the messy front!

And a hearty "woof" to Cole.

Kate said...

I read that in the Palm Beach Post. I tried SO hard to find it online to blog about long, long ago and I just couldn't find it anywhere. But I swear up and down, it was in the Palm Beach Post. Bedmaking is definitely unhealthy.

Unless you wait an hour. Then it's fine.

But I conveniently forget that.

madge said...

You guys.
I made the bed for the picture.

I feel so liberated.

Julie said...

Love your floral pillowcases, and your thin quilt coverlet...I HATE comforters as well. Can't get over your white one though, with a black are brave!