Tuesday, January 01, 2008

first post of '08 (it's great)


Ahh, so alert is my Jane! Is the puppy coming in here? Is the puppy coming in here? I can read her like a book, that Jane.

We're starting the year off cool in So. Fla. Currently 69°; feels a bit cooler than that, though.

And so go the resolutions. Because you'd better not be late to 2008.

This year I resolve to
  • fix my bike for real and ride it to the beach because I can
  • take portraits of my sisters
  • bring Steve to Portland
  • clutter less
  • listen to five classic stories on audiobook; shall begin with The House of Mirth
  • cook more
  • save money
  • buy American made (gosh durn it)
  • blog more!
It could all happen; it might not. I'm usually anti-New Year but something about this year really has me inspired.


Kate said...

Yay #9!

Perhaps I will do a resolutions post, too. I didn't think I had any, but I keep discovering new ones today!

'Tis a good thing I no longer live in your immediate vicinity. Jane kitty would still be at risk of replacement with evil Annabel kitty anytime you posted her picture. But now she's safe, so post away!

Lauren said...

Buy American made! What a great resolution! I'm adding that to my list.

Verdant Earl said...

Does Jane enjoy the puppy's company? Is that an excited look, or a concerned look?

Trying to get my cat expressions down.

Kat said...

I'm all for blogging more ;o)
Happy New Year Madge!

Spinning Girl said...

I do loves me some Jane-kitty.

Great resolutions!!!

Spinning Girl said...

I do loves me some Jane-kitty.

Great resolutions!!!

madge said...

...Jane was being concerned.