Monday, June 05, 2006

a man a plan a canal: panama!

When there are great things on the Internet, like this music site, is it any wonder why I continually put my homework off for another time?

It's also time to admit something: I was addicted to a Romanian Internet Scrabble site for eh...four straight months in late 2004. Then one day, I acknowledged I had a pretty bad problem and stopped playing. Altogether. One of the side effects of playing too much Internet Scrabble was that when I would I drive, I would read road signs backwards or my brain would become its own sort of fucked up anagram server. It was so intensely annoying, but I couldn't turn it off. One of my few talents is being able to unjumble letters to make words fairly quickly. Ok, real fast. Honestly folks, I'm pretty good at it.

Earlier this Spring, I played an online contest every single day; the contest was sponsored by the Gap. Oddly enough, I actually won the contest because I clicked my mouse at precisely the right time on a pocket of jeans. My prize came in the mail today: a $200 gift certificate. Hello, summer clothes.

And hello, books. The neat thing about working in a school library is that at the end of the year, you get $70 in Barnes & Noble gift certificates from two students that really liked you.

For some reason, I've felt so lucky lately. It's not everyday you decide to see if Big Lots has a toy camera. When they don't, it's no big deal. (That's what B & H is for!) Because it's not the treasure. It's the hunt. The hunt *might* harvest other fruits, like a $5 talking Donald Rumsfeld doll.
Meet Talking Rummy, my new best friend:

We will go everywhere together.
Here's a picture of his ass:

Surprisingly? He doesn't talk out of it.


Spinning Girl said...

Oh my gawd. You are the BEST.

Tits McGee said...

1) I will not follow your link to the Internet Scrabble site, because if I do, I may never return.

2) Go you with the Gap gift certificate!

3) Go you with the student fan club!

4) I love Big Lots and B & H.

5) Talking Rummy?! I'm just speechless.

madge said...

SG - Oh. That's so nice of you. But I insist, you are the BESTEST.

TM - It is so easy to get lost in Scrabble Dabble. I can't believe I was able to quit. Yes. Rummy speaks. He says 24 different things. He takes the cake.

madge said...

BTW, he's wearing pinstripes.

That's hot.

FRITZ said...

I can't stand how much I love you. I just can't take it.

But there was something I was going to say, and now I can't remember what...something about adoring you, and thinking you are the greatest and wondering when I'll ever get to meet you or at least get an autograph.

I don't shop at the Gap. But I like Old Navy.

kimberlina said...

cold turkey on romanian internet scrabble?! damn, you're strong.

note to self: don't play scrabble with madge, she will eat you alive.

also, i am *highly* intrigued by this talking rummy doll. we can make new clothes for him at GFSS! i've got some divine yellow satin that has his name all over it. i'm sure it would be very soothing on his smooth plastic buttocks. *teehee*

madge said...

FZ - You want an autograph? I can do this. Oh yes. Yes I can. And I like Old Navy, too.

K - I will bring Rummy to the next GFSS. I would love to make him a toga, or something. Do you have a spare Barbie Doll? I have a really great picture in mind...

kimberlina said...

well, eff, i lack a barbie doll. i do have two cats?

OR, we could try and make a run for a barbie at the local thrift store..

carolina anne said...

I remember the Scrabble days. And hell yes to the Gap card!