Sunday, June 04, 2006


I want. I want. I want!
This coloring book:
This maple address file:This medium-format Holga:
Stay tuned! This list will be continually updated. I want a lot of things.


carolina anne said...

THe coloring book looks cool.

Spinning Girl said...

Oh, you have the very best taste.
I think some of your wishes may come true someday soon.
Watch for it.

Allegro said...

Hey, you like the Holga too?!

I love the concept and motive of it, but sadly I don't use it very well to fully utilize it. Can't get the pictures to look like those funky ones others manage to get...

But its so much fun, I love clicking it! Nuff said, you DO have the best taste!

madge said...

V - YES! I have seen small bits of it and I agree: it looks very cool.

SG - Why, I am so flattered! OMG SG. I love your pink hair!

HLIA - I am a Holga virgin. I've actually never even held one in my hands or seen one in the flesh. But...I have seen some really cool photos (by a Vancouver-based photographer, no less) and I'm inspired. To pieces.

kimberlina said...

ooooOOOOooo a holga! nice choice.

and i've coveted that file folder, too. i bet you could make one, b/c i think they were something like $75 when i saw them.

"ouch!" says my wallet.

Tits McGee said...

You are so cute. May I eat you up, please?

madge said...

K - Yes! $75. Do you think you could whip one up for me?

TM - Yes, you may!

Tits McGee said...

::nibble, chomp::

madge said...

I've been nibbled & chomped! OMG!!!!11!!!