Thursday, May 04, 2006

white trash? me? no...

Eating and drinking. It's a good thing. You might be surprised what I consider totally delicious:

Ragu Old World Style.
You are probably thinking "vom!" I guess I like this sweet runny goo for its nostalgic factor - it was kind of a rarity in my house as a kid. I eat it by the cold spoonful, straight from the jar. Go ahead, vom!

Mother's Double Fudge Cookies.
Woe is me. Mother's cookies are not sold on the East Coast. The double fudge cookies are kind of like chocolate-filled Oreos, but these cookies beat the Oreo hands down. Hands down I tell you! I scarf them down whenever I'm on the West Coast; consequently, I return to Florida 82 lbs heavier. I never knew packaged, store-bought cookies were considered nasty until my friend in high school got all food snob on me and gave me the low-down. Oh fucking well! I love Mother's!

Cook's Champagne, Brut.
I've never had really fancy $$$ champagne. I'm not rich, so that's kind of why. Spending more than $6-$7 on a bottle of champagne KILLS me. Seriously, it KILLS. Also, my pipes have acclimated to Cook's - so when I drink it, there are no "cheap" hangovers. Cook's Brut makes me go crazy. Seriously, folks. I love it soo much.

Idaho Spud.
Would you eat something that semi-resembled a rotten potato? A rotten potato covered in coconut bits and filled with an oval-shaped sticky cocoa-flavored marshmallow? Probably not. Would I? What??? They're good!

To be continued, when I can think of more...


Tits McGee said...

The Idaho Spud and your Mother's Double Fudge Cookies (heh heh) both sound pretty tasty, but the rest of the list does pretty much make me throw right up.

Not that I'm a total food snob - I love me some Ortega Taco Night and a host of other disgusting and/or heavily processed foods. (Frito-Lay Jalepeno Cheese Dip, anyone?)

kimberlina said...

holy shite. you can eat ragu from the can??

i'm impressed.

...and scared.


i eat dried squid and pork floss. delish!

Spring, Ph.D. said...

Hey, I like Ragu, but cold? Hell no.

My mom's second husband was hooked on that processed velveeta 'cheese,' as he called it. And what's better than that cheese in a can stuff that you squirt on crackers (or straight into your mouth).

What I miss most about moving from Spokane to NYC? No Godfather's Pizza here.

Tits McGee said...

OHMIGOD - Easy Cheese is so fucking delicious.

Thanks a lot, Spring. Now I'm going to be fantasizing about that crap all night long.

madge said...

I'm a little disgusting - it's true.

Now excuse me, I have to go slurp on some Ragu.

Meghan said...

ok, the first two are some of my personal favourites... especially the Mother's cookies. i love how they have belly buttons!! cookies with navels must be enjoyed.

yay for food!
