Thursday, May 04, 2006

drive. ambition. drive. ambition. drive.

Well gang, I have to hang up my blogging gloves for a while. Tomorrow afternoon, I'm driving to Montana with Steve. We'll take about a week, give or take speed, caffeine, road conditions, and each other's jugulars.

No! We're going to have a great time.

So I will miss all of you- my little blogging family- terribly. I will perhaps keep a diary of my week while I'm out on the Interstates and then report back here on the Motif a couple Mondays from now.

Who knows? I am bringing my laptop...maybe you'll hear from me sooner than that.

In case not, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, moms!


Tits McGee said...


Okay, I'm actually really happy for you that you're going off on this adventure. But I'll miss you so!

Please do send reports when you can, especially about how it goes with the giving or taking speed (personally, I'd take the speed, but that's just me).

carolina anne said...

Montana?! No way. Call me and fill me in. I'm still the little sister who likes to sleep with the lights on ;) I LOVE YOU

FRITZ said...

Oh, have so much fun! Say hi to Steve! TAKE LOTS OF PICTURES!

If you see a bear (oh they are my favorite), make a lot of noise, make eye contact, and appear dominant. If that doesn't work, get in the car, lock the doors, and pray.

Also: We'll miss you! Have fun! Be safe!!!