Monday, May 01, 2006

kate moss + nikon = total 8=====>

Two of my favorite things in one luscious mystery ad?!

Trash talk K. Moss all you want -- but she is one of my icons, heroin/cocaine chic & all.

And so are Nikons.



Tits McGee said...

I've gotta say, Madge, I'm more of a Linda Evangelista/Panasonic Lumix kind of gal myself.

madge said...

You are so funny.

(I do love me some Linda Evangelista, too.)

kimberlina said...

mmm... those lumix cameras are beautfiul.

but wifi?! that camera has wifi?!

::drools profusely::

FRITZ said...

You confound me, woman. First, no deoderant, now, KATE MOSS???

But Nikon. Well. That's a good thing.

madge said...

I know! I could talk about supermodels from the 90s for HOURS. I'm really strange, but I know a lot about them. I guess that's when I found my first Vogue, and I was hooked. It took a huge lifestyle change for me to realize that fashion is hecka trite, and so it's kind of like a love affair that ended. I remember Kate fondly...

Meghan said...

ok, i have no idea what just happened... there were images, then some chick stumbling around, then a camera....

"All will be revealed on May 08" or whatever

so confused!! what day is today? are you one of those shills they plant these days? so evil...

btw- congrats on getting to 300... i can only dream...


Anonymous said...

I hate that skinny bitch.

Spinning Girl said...

What's not to love?