Wednesday, May 31, 2006

the fun begins tomorrow

...Hurricane Season 2006, that is.

C'mon, play with me! Write the headlines before they happen! I've filled in a few already; if you have a clever duplicate, share it! If your headline is really used, then I'll give you a prize. Me, Steve, Cole and D. Sergei will evacuate to your house in the event of a hurricane...until our power comes back or until gasoline is made available without the inconvenience of fist-fighting for it! I will use your computer so I can keep on blogging and we will eat all of your food! The four of us love ice cream, any flavor! Well, not any flavor, Spinning Girl.

Okay - awesome prize, right? PLAY TO WIN PEOPLE! Play. To. Win.

Debby (Little Debby maintains tropical storm status)
Florence (Hurricane Flos into Florida)
Isaac (What goes up must come down: Hurricane Isaac uproots trailer parks)
Joyce (Re-Joyce! Hurricane will not make landfall)
Kirk (Cameron is a fucking psycho!)
Oscar (Grouchy Hurricane Oscar flips his lid)


kimberlina said...


flash (flood) gordon overwhelms tampa

FRITZ said...'s been a minute since I've been here.

You can come to my house (all four of you). We have no extra bed, so we'll take turns. The dog and cat must come, as well.

However, if it is September 23rd, we'll be in Naples getting married. So. (SHIT I'M SO WORRIED IT'S GONNA BLOW ON MY WEDDING DAY)...


I miss you!

kimberlina said...

debby does daytona!

(that was last night, circa 2 am.)

i am tired.

Tits McGee said...

"Patty dukes it out with the Gulf Coast."

"Mean Helene" + anything

Something about a "Beryl" of monkeys.

Sorry. That's all I've got. My brain is fried.

Time to go nap!

madge said...

Kimberlina - I love your suggestions. And that you were thinking about possible headlines at 2 a.m. I've really gotten into your head, haven't I? Debby Does Daytona is quite possibly the best headlive ever.

Fritz - You are so dear to make space for us. No worries - the gods would be crazy to piss you off. :)

Tits - Ahahaha! Patty dukes! Yes, she does. But I hope she won't. So, you're napping? Thanks for the idea...

Charlotte said...

I dunno about headlines bc I'm not good at being creative, generally, but I must warn: names relating my family tend to hit and damage things. I have an immediate family member names William who lives in West Palm. I'm predicting a doozy in that one.

Spinning Girl said...

Tony: Tiger of a Typhoon

ice cream? Yum. Got Hosni-flavored? How about cow chip?

Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.