Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I'm in search of a blog post. Tits has inspired me to publish a list of 100 things about myself that I began before November and never sent to Blogger Press. But the timing doesn't feel quite right. * I wanted to squeeze in a post somewhere that exclaimed my glee when the valedictorian where I work left her graduation speech underneath her chair - totally forgotten - and a friend of mine stumbled upon it and snatched it for us to read. Speech? B- for a future Yalie. I'm kidding. What do I know? But my favorite thing was that she wrote "SPEAK SLOWLY" on top of every single page. An old Madge trick! Everyone thought it was so funny. I thought it was ingenious. Translation: if I applied myself more, could I have gone to Yale? (Umm, no.) * I'm anxiously awaiting a package. * Ahhh, Memorial Day Weekend. I just want to be at a quaint backyard barbeque. I might have to make one happen in my parking space. * I've heard conflicting reports about the impending hurricane season. Either it will be equal to or greater than last year, or because ocean temps are not as high as they were at this time last year, we might get off easier. I don't know. All I know is, I hate hurricanes. And I would appreciate some consistency in the weather reports. * So, not much of a post - but I had to do something. *


Tits McGee said...

I love that I've inspired you.

Would you like to come over to my house for Memorial Day? We're having a cookout in the backyard. It will probably be more drunk than quaint, though.

madge said...

I don't care!

Meghan said...

ahh, valedictorians... i don't honestly remember (or care) who was O Honored One at my graduation... chances are, they don't remember/care either.

funny... i could name off who dealt what back to 8th grade, but when asked about something a little more recent, i draw a blank.

oh well. just goes to show what a classy high school i went to, i guess.


ps. i'm giving a presentation tomorrow... i'll have to try the "SPEAK SLOWLY" trick. hehe!

Meghan said...

legs. shave them if you feel like it.

goodness knows that's what i'm off to do in a few minutes.

rrrrrow :p


FRITZ said...

I would like to come to the cookout,too! I will bring my cigarettes; Michael will bring homemade coleslaw.

Drunk is good. I like drunk tits.

And: Cat Powers rocks, yo!

My God. I want to live in the same city as ALL of you, at once.