Monday, April 10, 2006


I will totally be watching this.

(If I can find the time, that is).


Tits McGee said...

You're the best, Madge. Thanks for the heads-up.

kimberlina said...

wow, cool!

buy really, you can't beat the $1 version at wal-mart with john travolta.

madge said...

I'm officially depressed.


Tits McGee said...

That was so not easy to watch.

kimberlina said...

was this ON pbs, or can i rent it from the library?

madge said...

It was on PBS ~ it airs again many times this week, but I remember you saying something about not having t.v.? American Experience is pretty good about making their programs available on DVD - it'll just be a waiting game. Or you could ILL it from somewhere else, via the WorldCat database...