Tuesday, April 11, 2006

it landed on a scanner, II

This week:

  • Everything is coming up Oregon: please note the strange monk holding coffee. This is a business card from a coastal coffee shop called the Sleepy Monk Roasters (or something). It reminds me of all things Jesus, as well as patchouli-scented Oregonians. Happy Easter.
  • Photograph: copy of a strange married couple that wrote books about phrase origins; I came across the book at work. Aren't they cute? Looks like they always minded their p's and q's. Har-har-har.
  • Airmail! I'm packing to go West.
  • Parking ticket!? Looks like Tammy is still getting the better of me.
  • I love my new light-as-a-feather [stiff-as-a-board] wooden necklace. It makes me chime.


Spinning Girl said...

This is such a fun series!

omg -light as a feather stiff as a board! yes! levitation!

Tits McGee said...

"All Things Jesus" would be a great name for a store.

I can't stop eating Cadbury Mini Eggs.

madge said...

SG: I know you played that at a party or two...

Tits: I can't wait for Cadbury Mini Eggs to go on sale. I've started sucking on them until the sugar shell cracks and the chocolate spills out...divine.

Tits McGee said...

Now that makes me chime.

FRITZ said...

Girl, we love your scanner series and would like to pilot a show on NBC with it.

It's so...texturized, or something.