Sunday, April 02, 2006

picture book

It is with much regret this little logo won't show up on my sidebar. Know in heart it's there:

Today, I went out for an afternoon cappuccino and sat under this umbrella, drank, and listened to my iPod. That infamous iPod meme will turn up one of these days...

And now for a series of drinks I cannot live without, all consumed this weekend:
1) Selzter.

2) Wine. Please look away from the shameless Dell logo. Remember, this is an ad-free blog.

3) Coffee.


kimberlina said...

3 things that, i, too, cannot live without!

::is presently drinking her coffee furiously::

this morning i had a faux-mosa. orange juice and ginger ale. almost as good as the real thing.

Tits McGee said...

That seltzer picture is faboo.

madge said...

Kimberlina ~ I HAVE to try a faux-mosa. OMG. That sounds delicious. And very PG for the work week a.m.

SG & Tits: Thanks, gals!