Monday, April 03, 2006

it landed on a scanner

  • First, the woman in blue is my mom; today is her 53rd birthday. Cheers all around, Mom! In this photograph, we were having a "it's good to be off the plane" wine toast a couple of years ago, when I had a little studio (read: best apartment EVER) in West Palm Beach, and my little sister Anne (birthday girl of March 29) and Mom came to visit me one March.
  • The other photograph is me, eyes 100% closed, slouching next to author Connie May Fowler. I realize I put my arm around her; is that weird? She probably thought I was a loonie. Talk about a warm, lovely woman; two Fridays ago we met.
  • Black and white: it's all the rage. But I love that table lamp. I think I like the base of it most; I am starting to become infatuated with lamps. Loonie alert, #2.
  • I like the idea of Poetry 180, a lot (hence the poem from that book). And who doesn't love the poet laureate, that lucky duck who gets a great office in the Library of Congress?
*Thank you all who participated in my informal survey of hand holdage. The scanner collage seems to be working well for me, so I'm giving it another go in less than a week! But how do you put on a scanner the pangs of sadness that you feel after forking over $663 in engine repair? I didn't know how to work it in, but my overall mood tonight is: FUCK.


Tits McGee said...

Ouch. I hate cars. This is why we are a one-car household, and our one car is a 1985 VW Golf that we got for $1000.

Happy Birthday Mom!

madge said...

I hate cars, too. Mine is a 1995 Toyota Corolla and there was carbon building up in the engine, which, bad. I wish I didn't need to rely on one - I have a bike that I wish I used more, but it too is on the fritz. And it's a 2006 Trek! Damn.

Must. Use. Legs.

Meghan said...

meesa back!!! meesa back!!

i was in Mexico. it was glorious. when i have time, i'll write a blog detailing my events... who knows? i may even have a photo of my purchases (and delicious shin bruise!)

i missethed thee too.


kimberlina said...

happy birthday to the madge mom! :)

and good lord, $663?! that's insane. and a little too close to that devil lucifer's number for my liking.

what's with me and biblical christian overtones lately? hum...

that photo of you with connie may fowler is the absolute best! your eyes are simply closed in sublime happiness!

madge said...

Yipee! Meghan is back! Mexico!? I hope I do get to see pictures, delicious shin bruise & all...

Kimberlina keeps it real. And real religious. Mwahahaha.

FRITZ said...

I love your new idea of stuffing things on the scanner.

I'm sorry about the car.

Your mom and my mom should hang out.

I bought a new motorcycle today.

I'm whoring for comments.

Meghan said...

alright, i have allotted some time tomorrow afternoon for a full blog and a half... although "tomorrow afternoon" may very well become "tomorrow night at around midnight"... but i will post, dammit! i promise!!


FRITZ said...

Uh...what's on the fritz?


Tee hee!