Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I blog, therefore I'm an anonymous passive aggressive.

Someone named Tammy jinxed me last Wednesday. She made some nasty comments about me potentially getting a flat tire. I didn't get the flat, but I did get $663 worth of engine problems shortly after she made her remark.

Tonight, with the most malice I can muster: I wish horrible things to fucking Tammy! I don't care if it comes in the form of car trouble, but I hope something really expensive and inconvenient interrupts her week! And I hope someone puts her in her place one day, because I let my chance slide tonight and she really deserves to know she has no social graces, no tact, and no cuteness. Okay. Now I'm being mean. But all of the above is true.

Fucking Tammy!

(What am I? 11? But seriously!)


Tits McGee said...

Yeah! Fuck you, Tammy!

madge said...

Awww, you're so good to me.


kimberlina said...

a thousand poxes on tammy! tens of thousands, i say! hex AND chicken!

i send my chinese mafia goons to your rescue, madge.

madge said...

And YOU'RE so good to me Kim! The Chinese mafia have helped me more than once, thanks to you...I hope they really get this Tammy girl good.

Spinning Girl said...

I love when you drop an F-bomb. It tickles me to no end!

I bet Tammy hangs out with Amy Campbell. Fuck you, Amy and Tammy!

Anonymous said...

We just broke all 4 of our ankles tripping in the gutter. Thanks for the hex, bitches.

madge said...

You. Are. So. Funny.

FRITZ said...

Tammy! The Karma Queen is gonna get you...and her name is MADGE!

Watch out, sister. SCREW YOU!